Trustee Minutes of June 14th, 2022
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Mt. Grant General Hospital
Wednesday June 14th, 2022
Present: Richard Schuman, Karen Womack, Paula Viani-Reed, Michelle Dow, Nancy Rutherford, Mindeya Summerfelt, Jonalee Roberts, Hunter Bolanos; Dr. Sharon Ruch
Absent: Sandrae Lehman
—Call to Order
The meeting of the Mt. Grant General Hospital Board of Trustees was called to order at 11:30am by Nancy Rutherford, Co-Chairperson.
—General Public Comments
Public comment about access to public documents. Addressed by Jonalee Roberts and Richard Schumann.
—Review, discussion and appropriate action on recommendation from the Board of Trustees Subcommittee for CEO Recruitment Process
Nancy Rutherford called for a motion. Paula Viani-Reed made a motion to approved Subcommittee recommendation to appoint Denise Ferguson as Administrator. Karen Womack seconded the motion. Motion carries.
—Review, discussion, and appropriate action on CEO Employment Employment/Negotiation
Jonalee Roberts clarified to the Board which contract items were changed and added. Board reviewed contract together. Board agreed to roll call vote on contract items.
Item 6.03 was removed from contract.
Item 7 was adjusted, and verbiage removed.
Item of sign on bonus was removed.
Item 6.04 adjusted
Nancy Rutherford opened an additional general public comment before motion was taken.
General Public Comments: Quarterly review questions and clarification. Comment about giving Denise grace as she transitions into this new leadership role. Comment about how/when and who will be involved in evaluation process. Comment about ‘for cause’ termination verbiage.
Roll Call Vote as Follows:
Article 1: All in favor no changes. None apposed.
Article 2. with proposed changes: All in Favor none apposed
Article 3: All in favor none opposed
Article 4: All in favor none opposed
Article 5: All in favor none opposed
Article 6: All in favor none opposed. Item 6.03 removed item G added.
Article 7: All in favor none opposed.
Motion to approve the revised CEO Contract was made by Paula Viani-Reed, seconded by Karen Womack. All in favor. Motion carries.
—Subcommittee Comments/Future Agenda Items
Performance evaluations added
—General Public Comments
Comments thanking Board of efforts and being fluid with public attendees and taking their concerns into consideration.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:28pm with a motion by Karen Womack, seconded by Michelle Dow. Motion carries.