Trustee Minutes of May, 2022

Trustee Minutes of May, 2022

Board Meeting Minutes

Mt. Grant General Hospital

Thursday, May 26th, 2022

11:30 a.m.

Present: Richard Schuman, Chairperson (WebEx); Karen Womack, Member; Sandrae Lehman, CFO; Jonalee Roberts, Human Resources Manager; Paula Viani-Reed, Member; Hunter Bolanos, HR/Recorder; Denise Ferguson, Risk Manager/QA Michelle Dow, Clerk; Nancy Rutherford, Co-Chairperson; Dr. Sharon Ruch, Member/Chief of Staff

Absent: Mindeya Summerfelt; DON RN

Call to Order

The meeting of the Mt. Grant General Hospital Board of Trustees was called to order at 11:30 a.m. by Nancy Rutherford, Co-Chairperson.

General Public Comments


Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 – Sandrae Lehman, CFO

Sandra Lehman presented the budget to the Board of Trustees and changes proposed. New FTE ratios and additional FTE’s budgeted increase for expansions in 2 departments was explained to the Board of Trustees. Price changes in services in various departments. Expense budget explained and changes addressed including a projected 2% increase in employee salary; this would be approved by the board in the first quarter of FY. $300k increase projected for salary, benefits, and supplies. Deferred revenue for grant funded projects will stay in deferred into next FY due to projects and completion dates.

The Budget Presentation was approved with a motion by Karen Womack and seconded by Richard Schumann.  Motion carries.

General Public Comments

Jonalee Roberts explained to the board that Administrator Candidate Finalist has withdrawn interest in proceeding with the onsite interview process. Jonalee is relaying the information to members of the board and subcommittee. General Public comment about FTE increase over 3 years. This comment was explained by the CFO and Risk Manager. General Public comment about credit card machine in the clinic central receptionist. General public comment about Board of Trustee practices needing to be in order with the bylaws.  


Meeting was adjourned at 12:08pm with a motion from Michelle Dow and seconded by Karen Womack. Motion carries.