Trustee Minutes of July, 2021

Trustee Minutes of July, 2021

Board Meeting Minutes

Mt. Grant General Hospital

Thursday, July 29th, 2021

11:30 a.m.

Present: Richard Schumann, Chairperson; Jona Roberts, Business Office Manager; Sandrae Lehman, CFO; Hugh Qualls, Administrator; Tamiya Ferguson, Acute DON; Karen Womack, Member; Paula Viani-Reed, Member; Nancy Rutherford, Co-Chairperson

Absent: Hunter Bolanos; HR Assistant, Dr. Ruch; Chief of Staff

— Call to Order

The meeting of the Mt. Grant General Hospital Board of Trustees was called to order at   11:34 a.m. by Chairperson Richard Schumann. 

General Public Comments


Approval of minutes

The minutes from the Thursday, June 24th, 2021, minutes were approved with a motion by Paula Viani-Reed, seconded by Karen Womack.  Motion carries.

Financial Report – Sandrae Lehman, CFO

Copy attached to original minutes. June patient revenue was high enough to capture the remaining 400-500k and $50,000 in positive operating income. Year to date operating income negative 3 million and year to date income is 1.2 million. 2.5 million in provider relief funds and year to date expenses at 118,000. Provider relief for 7/1 reporting period audit end of Aug/Sept and field work compliance audit will be done. Financial Statement for June 2021 was approved with a motion by Michelle Dow and seconded by Karen Womack. Motion Carries.

Committee Reports

  • Trustee of the Month
    • Paula Viani-Reed. – no reports. Compliments about new provider, James Ruch and remarks about Careflight costs.
  • Emergency Department
    • Tamiya Ferguson. Copy attached to original minutes. 4 out of 64 “missed” opportunities from those transferred. Reviewed by Dr. Hockenberry. Nothing new to report.
  • Pharmacy
    • Tamiya Ferguson. Copy attached to original minutes. No significant changes this month.
  • Patient Safety
    • Tamiya Ferguson. Copy attached to original minutes. No reportable deaths, no medication errors, no sentinel events, and one injury. Glove supply and costs continue to cause issues. COVID-19 Masking and screening continues.
  • Administrator – Hugh Qualls
    • Copy attached to original minutes.
  1. Correct mask wearing education to patients and staff continues. There is new signage throughout the facility, stating no exceptions to not wearing a mask. NHA is lobbying a mandate for all healthcare workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in the next two months. Expressing concerns for the Delta Variant being present in Mineral County.
  2. Moving in the right direction to cut expenses
  3. RPG Providers have increased census in hospital
  4. CFO Sandi presented that new wage increases will have the lowest wage in the facility start at $12.00/hr
  5. SNF Survey ended at 09:30am today with an outstanding response from CMS. Dietary shines with the 6th year in a row of perfect scoring from CMS. Life Safety went excellent as well. CMS was impressed with the happiness of residents in the SNF. Transfers to fill SNF beds and Swing Beds is being completed by Janis Litteral and Denise Ferguson.
  6. Tamiya reported on the Hospital Picnic taking place on 8/6/21

Review, discussion and appropriate action on Employee Wage Adjustment

Motion to approve Employee Wage Adjustment was made by Michelle Dow and seconded by Nancy Rutherford. Motion carries.

Review, discussion and appropriate action on proxy privileging for Telemedicine Roster for Physicians

A motion to approve privileges to roster of physicians was made by Michelle Dow and seconded by Karen Womack. Motion carries.

Review, discussion and appropriate action on recommendation from Medical Staff to grant privileges to James Ruch, PA active Family Medicine; Paul Fry, III, MD, consulting Orthopedic, reappointment; Brandon Chan, MD, consulting radiology, reappointment.

A motion to approved privileges for roster of physicians was made by Nancy Rutherford and seconded by Karen Womack. Motion carries.

Trusty Comments/ Future Agenda Items

Karen Womack trustee of the month for August.

General Public Comments

Vacation August 17-27th, Tamiya Ferguson, Michelle Dow, and Karen Womack will be absent.


Meeting was adjourned at 12:33pm with a motion by Michelle Dow and seconded by Karen Womack. Motion carries.