Trustee Minutes of June, 2021

Trustee Minutes of June, 2021

Board Meeting Minutes
Mt. Grant General Hospital
Thursday, June 24th, 2021
11:30 a.m.

Present: Richard Schumann, Chairperson; Jona Roberts, Business Office Manager; Sandrae Lehman, CFO; Hugh Qualls, Administrator; Hunter Bolanos, HR Assistant; Tamiya Ferguson, Acute DON; Karen Womack, Member; Paula Viani-Reed, Member; Dr. Dofeliz, Chief of Staff/Member

Absent: Nancy Rutherford, Co-Chairperson

Call to Order

The meeting of the Mt. Grant General Hospital Board of Trustees was called to order at   11:35 a.m. by Chairperson Richard Schumann. 

— General Public Comments


Approval of minutes

The minutes from the Thursday, May 20th, 2021, minutes were approved with a motion by Karen Womack, seconded by Paula Viani-Reed.  Motion carries.

Financial Report – Sandrae Lehman, CFO

Copy attached to original minutes.  Financial Statement for May 2021 was approved with a motion by Michelle Dow and seconded by Karen Womack. Motion Carries.

Budget Augmentation – Sandrae Lehman, CFO

Copy of the Budget Augmentation is attached to original minutes. A motion to approve the Budget Augmentation was made by Michelle Dow and seconded by Karen Womack. Motion carries.

Committee Reports                                                                          

  • Trustee of the Month – Nancy Rutherford. 
  • Emergency Department — Tamiya Ferguson. Copy attached to original minutes. Numbers continue to increase in the emergency department. The non-emergent numbers continue to climb, and as discussed with Medical Staff, patients will now be triaged in the clinic for non-emergent visits.
  • Pharmacy —Tamiya Ferguson. Copy attached to original minutes. No significant changes this month.
  • Patient Safety – Tamiya Ferguson. Copy attached to original minutes. No reportable deaths, 3 medication errors, no sentinel events, and one injury.
  • Buildings and Grounds – Randy Canady. Copy attached to original minutes. Presented by Hugh Qualls.
  • EMS and Employee Safety – Carol Lemieux. Copy attached to original minutes.
  • Administrator- Hugh Qualls. Copy attached to original minutes.

— Review, discussion and appropriate action on Implementation of Public Employee Retirement System Contribution Rate increase effective July 1, 2021

Motion to approve contribution rate increase in lieu of pay was made by Michelle Dow and seconded by Paula Viani-Reed. Motion carries.

— Review, discussion and appropriate action on recommendation from the Medical Staff to grant privileges to Vivian Graham PA-C (RPG)-ER & Hospitalist initial; Samuel England PA-C (RPG)-ER & Hospitalist initial; Gary Turner MD-Radiology reappointment; Erik Maki MD-Radiology reappointment

A motion to approve privileges to roster of physicians was made by Michelle Dow and seconded by Karen Womack. Motion carries.

Trusty Comments/ Future Agenda Items


General Public Comments



Meeting was adjourned at 1:57pm with a motion by Michelle Dow and seconded by Karen Womack. Motion carries.