Trustee Minutes for June, 2020
Board Meeting Minutes
WebEx/Teleconference at Mt. Grant General Hospital
Thursday, June 25, 2020
11:30 a.m.
Present: Hunter Bolanos, HR Assistant; Carol Lemieux, Safety; Jona Roberts; Sandrae Lehman, CFO; Michelle Dow, Karen Womack; Paula Reed, Richard Schumann; Dr. Dofeliz, Chief of Staff; Nancy Rutherford
Absent: Jan Kollodge, Director of Nursing
Call to Order
The meeting of the Mt. Grant General Hospital Board of Trustees was called to order at 11:33 a.m. by Chairperson Richard Schumann.
General Public Comments
Approval of minutes
The minutes from the Thursday, May 28th, 2020, meetings were approved with a motion by Michelle Dow seconded by Karen Womack. Motion carries.
Financial Report 2021 – Sandrae Lehman, CFO
(Copy attached to original minutes) Increase in cash of $3 million in May; provider relief funds from COVID-19. Used 612k for lost revenue. In April, $364,000.00 loss. Restricted funds include the amount of money set aside for the new CT machine. YTD Operating income is still positive. Noted: Contract employee expenses are down $38,000.
Motion to approve the financial report was made by Michelle Dow seconded by Paula Reed. Motion Carries.
Budget Augmentation – Sandrae Lehman, CFO
(Copy attached to original minutes) A requested budget increase of 1.5 million of what was submitted to the state was explained. Also, our budget for revenue has been increased to 1.7 million.
A motion to approve the Budget Augmentation was approved by Nancy Rutherford, seconded by Michelle Dow.
Committee Reports
Trustee of the month – Karen Womack.
Emergency Room – Hugh Qualls
(Copy attached to original minutes) presented by Hugh Qualls. Increased ER visits this month. Avoiding the ER due to COVID-19 has resulted in people with other health conditions receiving lack of care.
Pharmacy – Presented by Hugh Qualls. (copy attached to original minutes).
Patient Safety – No Report.
Buildings and Grounds- (Copy attached to original minutes) Presented by Hugh Qualls. New procedure with the block shed for COVID-19 testing/isolation. Normal operations continue fine. CT scanner is still delayed due to COVID-19, set to deliver by August. Prep of CT room has begun to take out old CT and remodel the power system.
EMS and Employee Safety – presented by Carol Lemieux (copy attached to original minutes). Outlined the plans for emergency management through COVID-19. Drills, windstorms, and earthquake events have counted towards our drill quota, making the facility at 150% compliance with exercises and events. Fire drills for this quarter have been canceled so far, and we plan to do all three fire drills by the end of the month. Per recommendation, Carol Lemieux postponed the fire drills due to COVID-19. QAPI report was presented. Employee safety committee report presented.
Administrator – Hugh Qualls distributed and reviewed the Administrator’s report (copy attached to original minutes).
Extension of COVID-19 Temporary Payroll Augmentation – Jona Roberts, Business Office Manager
(Copy attached to original minutes). Presented by Jona Roberts who updated the policy with extended date.
Motion to approve extension of COVID-19 Temporary Payroll Augmentation by Michelle Dow and seconded by Karen Womack. Motion carries.
Review, discussion and appropriate action on recommendation from the Medical staff to grant privileges to Nels Dahlgran, MD, consulting staff- Pain Management appointment
Motion to grant privileges to Nels Dahlgran, MD – Pain Management by Michelle Dow and seconded by Nancy Rutherford. Motion carries.
Discussion of process of elections/ appointments to the board
For future reference elections should be only done when all information is available and when in person. The Zoom meeting is not efficient. Michelle is stressing the importance of the chair holder. Elections will be tabled if the board cannot meet.
Trustee Comments/Future Agenda Items
General Public Comments
Meeting was adjourned at 12:55 p.m. with a motion by Nancy Rutherford, seconded by Paula Reed. Motion carries.