Trustee Meeting for May, 2020

Trustee Meeting for May, 2020

Board Meeting Minutes

WebEx/Teleconference at Mt. Grant General Hospital
Thursday May 28, 2020
11:30 a.m.

Present:       Richard Schumann; Nancy Rutherford; Karen Womack; Paula Viani-Reed; Hugh Qualls, Administrator; Jan Kollodge, DON; Jonalee Roberts; Sandrae Lehman, CFO; Dr. Dofeliz, Chief of Staff; Noretta Chan

Absent:       Michelle Dow; Hunter Bolanos

Call to Order

The meeting of the Mt. Grant General Hospital Board of Trustees was called to order at 11:41 a.m. by Chairperson Richard Schumann. 

General Public Comments


Approval of minutes

The minutes from the Thursday, April 23, 2020, and the Tuesday, May 12, 2020, meetings were approved with a motion by Nancy Rutherford, seconded by Paula Viani-Reed.  Motion carries.

Budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 – Sandrae Lehman, CFO

The Budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 was reviewed by Sandrae Lehman.  (Copy attached to original minutes.)  Sandi met with each department manager to review and update.  She will continue to provide each manager a copy of their budget monthly.  Sandi needs to submit the signed Budget to the State no later than June 1.  Hunter will bring the form around for the board to sign on Friday.

A motion was made by Nancy Rutherford, seconded by Karen Womack, to approve the Mt. Grant General Hospital Budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.  Motion carries.

Financial Report – Sandrae Lehman, CFO

The Balance Sheets as of April, 2020 were reviewed.  (Copy attached to original minutes.)  There is a decrease in patient revenue of $700K (27%) compared to the first 9 months of fiscal year 2019-2020.  Sandi will begin including comparisons to budget and previous year.  Members asked if the print could be enlarged on the report and page numbers included.  Sandi has been doing a great job as the CFO.

A motion was made by Nancy Rutherford, seconded by Karen Womack, to approve the Mt. Grant General Hospital Balance Sheets as of April, 2020.  Motion carries.

Committee Reports              

Trustee of the month – Richard Schumann

While Rick was waiting in the ER entrance, he observed an interaction between a patient and staff members at the screening desk.  Staff did an excellent job dealing with the uncooperative patient. 

Emergency Room – The Emergency Room report was reviewed by Jan Kollodge (copy attached to original minutes).  ER numbers are down due to COVID at 112.  The emergent patients (59) outnumbered the non-emergent (53). 

Pharmacy – Reviewed by Jan Kollodge. (Copy attached to original minutes.)  Dr. Chris Shea was at Mt. Grant yesterday.  He said not to be concerned with the Medication Utilization Summary for areas above peers/needs improvement.  The percentage is driven up due to the small number of residents in our nursing home.  Chris will provide a three month report for antibiotic usage next month.

Patient Safety – The Patient Safety report was reviewed by Jan Kollodge (copy attached to original minutes).  No sentinel events.

Quality – Nori Chan reviewed the Risk Management 1st quarter report and LICON Quality Indicators (copies attached to original minutes).   

Infection Control – The Infection Control Meeting report and Annual Infection Control Plans for the CAH and SNF were reviewed by Jan Kollodge (copy attached to original minutes).   

Administrator – Hugh Qualls distributed and reviewed the Administrator’s report (copy attached to original minutes). 

Review, discussion and appropriate action on recommendation from the Medical Staff to grant privileges to Marc Nagel, PA-C, active Family and Emergency Medicine; Jared Kasper, MD, consulting Radiology; Francisco Dofeliz, MD, Active Staff Family Medicine   

A motion was made by Karen Womack, seconded by Nancy Rutherford to grant privileges to Marc Nagel, PA-C, active Family and Emergency Medicine; Jared Kasper, MD, consulting Radiology; Francisco Dofeliz, MD, Active Staff Family Medicine.  Motion carries.

Trustee Comments/Future Agenda Items


General Public Comments

Hugh Qualls reported the next meeting on June 25, 2020, will be held in the Education Room instead of through WebEx, unless circumstances change.


Meeting was adjourned at 12:46 p.m. with a motion by Karen Womack, seconded by Nancy Rutherford.  Motion carries.