Trustee Meeting for March, 2020
Board Meeting Minutes
Teleconference provided by Mt. Grant General Hospital
Thursday, March 26, 2020
11:30 a.m.
Present: Tom Fitzgerald, Chairperson; Karen Womack; Michelle Dow; Richard Schumann, Hugh Qualls, Administrator; Jan Kollodge, DON; Jonalee Roberts; Sandrae Lehman, CFO; Carol Lemieux Safety, HIPAA, Compliance Officer; Dr. Dofeliz, Chief of Staff, Hunter Bolanos
Call to Order
The meeting of the Mt. Grant General Hospital Board of Trustees was called to order at 11:30 a.m. by Chairperson Tom Fitzgerald.
General Public Comments
Jonathan Hunter, IT: Requested members of the Teleconference to please mute their phones while reports were being read as to eliminate distracting background noise.
Approval of minutes
The minutes from the Thursday, February 27, 2020, meeting were approved with a motion by Karen Womack, seconded by Michelle Dow. Motion carries.
Financial Report – Sandrae Lehman, CFO
The Balance Sheets as of February 29, 2020 were reviewed. (Copy attached to original minutes.) $78,000 net income for February (shortest month), noted $100,000 increase from balance sheet from February 2019 YTD. Contractuals and adjustments were up, which is due to increased patient revenue (a normal finding).
Update: Sandrae and Hugh met with each department supervisor and reviewed department budgets. Including the manager in the understanding and management of their own budget has brought forward a very positive response and final budgets will be publicly given in May, 2020.
A motion was made by Michelle Dow, seconded by Karen Womack, to approve the Mt. Grant General Hospital Balance Sheets as February 29, 2020. Motion carries.
Committee Reports
Trustee of the month – Karen Womack
Administrator Report – Reviewed by Hugh Qualls
(Copy attached to original minutes) Hugh Qualls explained that the financials and budgets were completed in a timely and impressive manner, 1-2 months earlier than normal.
Employee lawsuit update: April meeting postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19 shut down of nonessential court business.
Cash total from February was in the black, very decent considering that February is the shortest billing month.
Staffing: New PA, Mark Nagel who will serve Mt. Grant General Hospital as an ER Provider. New team member, Tana Flies. She is the new Laboratory Supervisor.
COVID-19 Update: 15 tests submitted so far, all negative to-date. Our community’s biggest threat at this time is Mono County with 4 positives. PPE and supplies, okay on masks but isolation gowns are unavailable. We purchased reusable gowns for staff members that are laundered daily and sanitized. Test kits are limited, not doing “at-will” testing at this time; patients must meet state screening criteria to receive a test. Still no visitors allowed in the facility, and the hospital has implemented a single point of entry for staff and patients. Staff and patients are screened before entering the facility. Remote meetings have been implemented. Testing turnaround has been same day or next business day, we are getting results faster by using the state lab directly rather than a resource lab. Mineral County employees have volunteered to be couriers for our testing. Two courier trips are taken daily to bring pending tests to Reno, NV (state lab) to be completed. The hospital has implemented internal social distancing rules; seating arrangements, remote meetings, and distance seats in waiting areas to avoid/limit exposures. Our cinderblock building is being used for isolation when treating and testing suspected COVID-19 patients. The El Capitan donated 6 air purifying machines to the hospital to be used in patient rooms for the time being. We are very grateful for their generosity.
Review, discussion and appropriate action on recommendation from the Medical Staff to grant privileges to Brent Kunzler, PA-C, active Family and Emergency Medicine reappointment; Chantell Williams, FNP, active Family and Emergency Medicine; Mark Nagel, FNP, active Family and Emergency Medicine
A motion was made by Michelle Dow to approve Brent Kunzler, active Family and Emergency Medicine reappointment, and table Chantell Williams, FNP active Family and Emergency Medicine, as well as, table Mark Nagel, FNP, active Family and Emergency Medicine, seconded by Karen Womack. Motion carries.
Trustee Comments/Future Agenda Items
Michelle Dow asked if the Board of Trustees would hold a new election of seats. This agreement is up to the board whether they are comfortable electing all new seats or appointing a member to the co-chair position.
General Public Comments
Meeting was adjourned at 12:17 pm, with a motion from Michelle Dow seconded by Karen Womack. Motion carries.