Category: MGGH in the News

Hospital Corner – December, 2020

May your days be merry and bright! For Lefa L. Seran nursing home residents, the past month was anything but—more dark and lonely due to the pandemic, but that changed on the Monday evening before Christmas.  On a clear starry night (Jupiter and Saturn adding to the sparkle), several residents joined staff in search of…
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Hospital Corner – November, 2020

November, like 2020 in general, won’t be missed. That said, the goal for this month’s column is to share as much factual information as possible with you in regard to COVID-19 and its impact on the hospital, community and—most of all—our nursing home.  The numbers will certainly change (likely for the worse) by the time…
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Hospital Corner – October, 2020

Benjamin Franklin’s oft-quoted line “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes” is only partly true.  There is one more certainty—change.  As much as we resist or ignore, it is ultimately inevitable.  This is true at Mt. Grant General as well.  For decades, emergency department providers worked directly for…
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Hospital Corner – September, 2020

Good news.  It has been almost two years since Sierra Eye Associates stopped performing exams and minor procedures at Mt. Grant General, requiring patients to make the trip to Reno for such services. That could change in the near future.  Dr. Robert Wolff, Ophthalmologist, associated with Sierra Nevada Eye Center in Carson City will be…
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Hospital Corner – August, 2020

This year will be memorable for a number of reasons (mostly bad) but staff at Mt. Grant General have tried to make the best of the COVID-19 world we now live in:  whether we like it or not, agree or disagree with drastic measures in place, hope for a quick end to this or see…
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Hospital Corner – July, 2020

A medical provider recently confided in me that he didn’t give coronavirus much thought when it gained national attention last winter; considered it just another type of flu that would vanish in spring.  He attributed all the alarm and panic over the disease to media hype and misinformation.  Of course, he was not alone in…
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Hospital Corner – May, 2020

Who should wear a mask in public? No desire to wade into the politics associated with mask-wearing these days but cannot emphasize enough the importance for all hospital staff, outpatients and clinic visitors to wear a mask. The horror stories occurring at nursing homes and VA hospitals are all too real, where residents and patients…
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Hospital Corner – April, 2020

Now that Mineral County has its first confirmed case of COVID-19, I trust everyone has adjusted to the current reality of our daily lives (the “new normal”).  My weekly visit to Safeway, stops at the post office, and the occasional trip to the hardware store indicate most locals are doing their part to make this…
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Hospital Corner – February, 2020

White sock test?  A true pillar of our community stopped by my office not long ago to share his thoughts about recent hospital in-patient stays here and at a Reno area healthcare facility.  After extended time at both, he said care provided at Mt. Grant General was considerably better in many ways.  Besides the personal…
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Hospital Corner – March, 2020

First and foremost in case you have not heard: the hospital and nursing home are not allowing visitors or family members until further notice—patients only.  Access into the hospital is through the ER entrance only. Clinic patients are asked to call your provider’s office before arriving so staff can meet you in the parking lot…
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