Trustee Minutes for July, 2020

Trustee Minutes for July, 2020

Board Meeting Minutes

Mt. Grant General Hospital
Thursday, August 27th, 2020
11:30 a.m.

Present:       Jona Roberts, Business Office Manager; Sandrae Lehman, CFO; Hugh Qualls, Administrator; Hunter Bolanos, HR Assistant; Nancy Rutherford, Co-Chairperson; Karen Womack, Member; Michelle Dow, Clerk; Noretta Chan, Risk Manager; Dr. Dofeliz, Chief of Staff; Paula Viani-Reed, Member; Richard Schumann, Chairperson

Call to Order

The meeting of the Mt. Grant General Hospital Board of Trustees was called to order at 11:37a.m. by Chairperson Richard Schumann . 

General Public Comments


Approval of minutes

The minutes from the Thursday, July 23rd, 2020, meetings were approved with a motion by Michelle Dow seconded by Nancy Rutherford.  Motion carries. Richard Abstains

Financial Report – Sandrae Lehman

Copy attached to original minutes.

Net income end of month is positive with a net amount of $73,000.00 in revenue and grants. Forgiveness for the PPP Loan will be submitted in September.

A motion was made by Michelle Dow and seconded by Karen Womack to approve the July 2020 Financial Report. Motion carries

Committee Reports   

Trustee of the Month – Nancy Rutherford

Emergency Department – Emergency Report was presented Nori Chan in Jan’s absence. (Copy attached to original minutes)

Pharmacy – Presented by Nori Chan. No concerns. (copy attached to original minutes)

Patient Safety – One sentinel event in July. Jan Kollodge has created a flow chart & new method of monitoring to prevent sentinel event in the future (Copy of report attached to original minutes)

Infection Control – Presented by Nori Chan for Jan Kollodge. No antibiotic usages needed a QA Review. Continue to monitor. Copy attached to original minutes.

-July billing/cash: 2.9MM/1.68MM
-Safety/Security Windows: hospital and clinic
New Business Office progress
Old Business office plans
Infection Control measures
New IC Officer
SNF family visits
Staffing Questions
Presented by Hugh Qualls
(Copy attached to original minutes)

Review, discussion and appropriate action on Bid Openings for new Business Office 
Modular Site Preparation Bid

Bid report was not submitted on time. Board agrees to proceed with letting Hugh Qualls chose the bid with 10% adjustment of original price granted of $30,000.00. Motion to approve Hugh Qualls choosing the one bid submitted with delay. Motion to approve was made by Nancy Rutherford and seconded by Karen Womack. Motion carries.

Review, discussion and appropriate action on recommendation from the Medical Staff to grant privileges to Christopher Sessions, PA-C, Family Practice and ER reappointment; Lionel Ruckstuhl, PhD, Allied Health Consulting privileges Psychology reappointment; Daniel Mockler, MD, consulting staff—Pathology appointment; Stephen Wei, MD, consulting staff—Radiology reappointment; Ian Tsend, MD, consulting staff—Radiology reappointment; Farres Ahmed, MD, consulting staff—Radiology reappointment; Saif Siddigi, MD, consulting staff—Radiology reappointment

Motion to approve roster of providers made by Michelle Dow and seconded by Nancy Rutherford. Motion carries.

Review, discussion and appropriate action on proxy privileging for Renown Health Telemedicine Roster for Physicians

No report.

Trustee Comments/Future Agenda Items

Screening questions & reporting.

General Public Comments



Meeting was adjourned at 12:53pm with a motion by Michelle Dow and seconded by Paula Reed.  Motion carries.