Trustee Meeting for February, 2020
Board Meeting Minutes
Education Room at Mt. Grant General Hospital
Thursday, February 27, 2020
11:30 a.m.
Present: Tom Fitzgerald, Chairperson; Karen Womack; Michelle Dow; Richard Schumann, Hugh Qualls, Administrator; Jan Kollodge, DON; Jonalee Roberts; Sandrae Lehman, CFO; Carol Lemieux Safety, HIPAA, Compliance Officer; Dr. Dofeliz, Chief of Staff.
Absent: Hunter Bolanos
Guest: Wanda Nixon, Bill Ferguson
Call to Order
The meeting of the Mt. Grant General Hospital Board of Trustees was called to order at 11:30 a.m. by Chairperson Tom Fitzgerald.
General Public Comments
Approval of minutes
The minutes from the Thursday, January 23, 2020, meeting were approved with a motion by Michelle Dow, seconded by Richard Schumann. Motion carries.
Financial Report – Sandrae Lehman, CFO
Sandrae Lehman has been hired as the CFO. The Balance Sheets as of December, 2019 and January, 2020 were reviewed. (Copy attached to original minutes.) The ARC receivables are not included in the 1 million A/R. The A/P Medicare credit will be reduced to $30,000. The financials vs. previous year show increase due to salaries and PERSs. The patient revenue has increased by 50%. Contractual write-offs are up as well (due to more revenue). Bad debt increased due to a large amount of claims being turned over for hard collect.
A motion was made by Michelle Dow, seconded by Karen Womack, to approve the Mt. Grant General Hospital Balance Sheets as of December, 2019 and January, 2020. Motion carries.
Committee Reports
Trustee of the month – Richard Schumann
Mr. Schumann reported he went on a ride-along with Charlie Mann, who is the Community Paramedicine. Rick was impressed with Charlie’s knowledge of the patients, their conditions and medications.
The Community Paramedicine program ended January 31, 2020, due to the reporting requirements for DHHS data not being met. The CP program was used to meet the needs in the community to keep patients at home. It is hoped that the County Commissioners will approve the Fire Department taking the CP program over.
Pharmacy – Reviewed by Jan Kollodge. (Copy attached to original minutes.) An e-kit has been provided by the pharmacist to store antibiotics in the nursing home. Shirley Hardy, the new DON, has had many great ideas. The pharmacist presented a biocardiogram showing antibiotic resistance and effectiveness. The Corona virus was also discussed. Jan has a flow sheet to follow. The hospital has PPE onsite except for a shortage of gowns. Wanda Nixon said there are other hospitals that are not prepared.
Emergency Room – The Emergency Room report was reviewed by Jan Kollodge (copy attached to original minutes).
Patient Safety – The Patient Safety report was reviewed by Jan Kollodge (copy attached to original minutes). December and January Patient safety reports were reviewed. One sentinel event in November and none in December. The Root cause analysis was completed for sentinel event in November. A new lift has been purchased. The hospital was fined for two deficiencies—Pain Management and Incontinence– by the Federal inspectors.
Quality – Nori Chan reviewed the Risk Management 4th Quarter Report (copy attached to original minutes). There were 75 incidents. There were no time lost employee injuries. The “star rating” is affected by readmissions. There was one claim denied as not meeting medical necessity—Nori will follow up. Dr. Dofeliz had a concern regarding a clinic staff member’s complaint. The staff member should not be interpreting lab test results.
Infection Control – Jan Kollodge reviewed the Infection report for February (copy attached to original minutes). Shirley is working on SBARS.
Administrator – Hugh Qualls distributed and reviewed the Administrator’s report (copy attached to original minutes). Carol Lemieux reviewed a Corona Virus website showing where the Corona Virus has been reported with the number of deaths and recoveries. Carol will be meeting with the county to discuss strategy.
Review, discussion and appropriate action on appointing replacement Board of Trustees member
Wanda Nixon was present and gave the board her background. Board members felt having a medical background could be an asset. Board also felt a strong background in management would be beneficial. Board discussed the qualities of each applicant and felt Nancy Rutherford would bring a different perspective. She has a double bachelors in Human Resources and a Masters in Psychology.
A motion was made by Karen Womack, seconded by Richard Schumann, to appoint Nancy Rutherford to the Board of Trustees. Motion carries.
Review, discussion and appropriate action on proposal from Dingus, Zarecor and Associates, PLLC, for financial statement audit and Medicare and Medicaid cost report preparation services
Last year’s audit cost over $70,000. Sandi Lehman has worked with Dingus, Zarecor and Associates for a number of years. Sandi reported this firm is a small and specializes in CAH, RHC and reimbursement strategies. They complete the audit and cost report at the same time and would be about $30,000 in savings.
A motion was made by Michelle Dow, seconded by Richard Schumann, to contract with Dingus, Zarecor and Associates for financial statement audit and Medicare and Medicaid cost report preparation services. Motion carries.
Review, discussion and appropriate action on recommendation from the Medical Staff to grant privileges to Chantell Williams, FNP, active Family and Emergency Medicine; Christian Mullins, MD, Active Staff Emergency Medicine reappointment; Aamer Farooki, MD consulting Radiology reappointment; Gregory Jones, CRNA, Allied Health Professional-Anesthesia reappointment.
Privileges for Chantell Williams were tabled due to her file not being completed. Emergency privileges have been granted by the Chief of Staff, Dr. Dofeliz.
A motion was made by Michelle Dow, seconded by Rick Schumann to grant privileges to Christian Mullins, MD, Active Staff Emergency Medicine reappointment; Aamer Farooki, MD consulting Radiology reappointment; Gregory Jones, CRNA, Allied Health Professional-Anesthesia reappointment. Motion carries.
Review, discussion and appropriate action on proxy privileging for Renown Health Telemedicine Roster for Physicians
A motion was made by Richard Schumann, seconded by Karen Womack to grant proxy privileges for Renown Health Telemedicine Roster for Physicians. Motion carries.
Trustee Comments/Future Agenda Items
Election of Vice-Chairperson to replace Patricia Coen.
General Public Comments
Bill Ferguson was not present during the selection of board member. The board announced Nancy Rutherford had been selected. There are two additional seats that will be available.
Meeting was adjourned at 1:20 p.m. with a motion by Michelle Dow, seconded by Richard Schumann. Motion carries.