Board of Trustees Agenda, 5/23/2024

Board of Trustees Agenda, 5/23/2024

Mt. Grant General Hospital/Lefa L. Seran Nursing Facility

Board Meeting Agenda

Agenda for meeting of the Mt. Grant General Hospital Board of Trustees to be held:

            Place of meeting:        Mt. Grant General Hospital                Business Office Conference Room

            Date and time of meeting:       Thursday, May 23, 2024, at 11:30 a.m.


  • Mineral County Public Library, 1st and A Streets, Hawthorne, Nevada
  • U.S. Post Office, 701 6th Street, Hawthorne, Nevada
  • Mineral County Courthouse, 105 A Street, Hawthorne, Nevada
  • Mt. Grant General Hospital, 200 South A Street, Hawthorne, Nevada

Below is an agenda of all items scheduled to be considered.  Unless otherwise stated, items may be taken out of the order presented on the agenda at the discretion of the chairperson.

Reasonable efforts will be made to assist and accommodate physically disabled person desiring to attend the meeting.  Please contact Jonalee Roberts at (775) 945-2461 ext. 266 in advance so the arrangements may be conveniently made.

  1. Call to Order                                                                                                                           A/R

B. Approval of Minutes for April 25, 2024                                                                                A/R    

C. General Public Comments                                                                                                      I/O
(This agenda item is designated to give the general public the opportunity to address the Board.  No action may be taken upon a matter raised under this section until it is placed on the agenda for action.  Public comment is limited to three (3) minutes per person.)

D. Public Hearing to adopt FY 2025 Budget                                                                              A/R

E. Financial Report – Sandrae Lehman, CFO                                                                           A/R

F. Administrator Report – Denise Ferguson, CEO                                                                    I/O

G. Committee Reports                                                                                                                 I/O
1. Trustee of the month – Nancy Rutherford
June Trustee Paula Viani-Reed
2. Emergency Department
3. Pharmacy
4. Patient Safety
5. Quality
6. Infection Control
7. Human Resources
What’s New is HR

H. Review, discussion, and appropriate action on Human Resources new/revised policies       A/R

I. Review, discussion, and appropriate action on granting authority to Carol Lemieux as      A/R
Infection Control Officer for Critical Access Hospital and Lefa L. Seran Nursing Facility

J. Review, discussion, and appropriate action on recommendation from the Medical Staff     A/R
to grant privileges to James A McLennan, MD, family practice, initial

K. Review, discussion, and appropriate action on proxy privileging for Telemedicine              A/R
Roster for Physicians

L. Trustee Comments/Future Agenda Items                                                                               I/O

M. General Public Comments                                                                                                      I/O
(This agenda item is designated to give the general public the opportunity to address the Board.  No action may be taken upon a matter raised under this section until it is placed on the agenda for action.  Public comment is limited to three (3) minutes per person.)

N. Adjournment                                                                                                                           A/R
Next regular Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 27, 2024, at 11:30 a.m.