Author: Site Manager

Community Corner – Measles

Hello everyone, Some old diseases are making their way back into mainstream America and can have devastating results.  Many diseases are considered eradicated after many years of intense vaccine therapy and education.  Heard of any Smallpox in your neighborhood lately?  No, and you won’t.  How about Polio?  We all have a much older relative who…
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Community Corner 1/18/2024

As you may have noticed, Covid-19 is back.  Many people in our community have already had it and it’s not fun.  We all have to do our part to keep our vulnerable friends, family members, co-workers, and immunocompromised people safe (chemo patients, bone marrow transplant patients, diabetics, etc.).  Symptoms are, but not confined to:  Headache,…
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Tobacco Use Disorder

Hello everyone.  The subject of smoking cigarettes is near and dear to my heart.  Smoking is now called  “Tobacco Use Disorder”, and it is very addictive.   Quitting smoking is hard but it can be done.  Your provider has many tools in their toolbox to help.  Our friends at the CDC have lots of resources.  The…
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Special Holiday Depression

Holiday Depression As my Facebook loves to remind me, lots of us are trading our normal, everyday depression and anxiety for a special holiday depression and anxiety.  Holidays can be wonderful with family, tons of food, decorations, and love.  Not everyone enjoys a bright, happy holiday.  I want to talk about holiday stress.  The experts…
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Safety in the Home

Staying safe is a full-time job.  There are so many different and creative ways for people to get hurt.  Traffic accidents, falling through the ice, bothering a hive of bees, the list is endless!!  What about your own home?  What hazards lurk right underfoot?  We are going to talk about fall prevention in your home. …
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Community First Aid, and More

Hello Mineral County,  I want to talk about disasters.  Disasters come in many shapes and sizes.  It could be a wildfire that destroys an area, such as Maui, or closer to home, Paradise California. Or an earthquake that causes lots of damage and causes the death and injury of many people.  Flash floods are very…
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Mosquitoes & West Nile

Nevada weather is a wonderful, eclectic force.  We have had lots of rain this summer and that can produce a variety of wildlife that may not normally be abundant.  In this instance, I’m talking about the lowly mosquito.  I have lived in Hawthorne for 15 years and can count on one hand the number of…
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Trustee Minutes of June 23rd, 2022

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes Mt. Grant General Hospital Thursday June 23rd, 2022 11:30am Present: Richard Schuman (Webex), Karen Womack, Paula Viani-Reed, Michelle Dow, Nancy Rutherford, Mindeya Summerfelt, Jonalee Roberts, Hunter Bolanos; Dr. Sharon Ruch Absent: Sandrae Lehman —Call to Order The meeting of the Mt. Grant General Hospital Board of Trustees was called to order…
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