Hospital Corner – July, 2018

Hospital Corner – July, 2018

Have you had an opportunity to call the Mt. Grant-REMSA Nurse Health Line yet?  Initial reports are that callers like the ease of connecting with an experienced nurse, and even more so the quality of medical advice they receive.  This is a free service to all community members in Mineral County and surrounding areas.  No matter the time or day of the week, a nurse is standing by at (775) 341-6161 to answer your healthcare questions. 

Hospital visits & smoking: Given the high rate of smoking-related diseases and complications (COPD, congestive heart failure, hypertension, cancer, stroke, asthma, etc.), hospitals should do all they can to discourage smoking—especially at the hospital!  There is one designated smoking area for visitors at Mt. Grant (near main entrance).  Smoking is not permitted near the Clinic or any other area on the hospital grounds.  Some MGGH employees smoke as well but are confined to a small area in back of the hospital.  With that in mind, Mt. Grant General, in conjunction with the American Lung Association, will soon kick off a “Freedom From Smoking” campaign for employees.  Our goal is to provide all the support and incentives necessary to motivate staff members to become tobacco-free.  As the saying goes, “if one person smokes in a building, everyone smokes in the building.”  Time for us to do all we can to change that.

Ah, the joys of government bureaucracy!  Our highly anticipated Community Paramedicine (CP) program continues to spin its wheels and…go nowhere.  If you recall, the state of Nevada had high hopes and full support (so it thought) for this population health outreach when the program was developed a few years back.  Turns out that was more wishful thinking than reality.  Long story short: apparently not every state agency with possible involvement in community paramedicine was included during development stage.  Now, one agency in particular (will remain nameless) is holding up final approval for EMTs awaiting their CP endorsement until a few more i’s are dotted and t’s crossed.  We are now two months behind proposed launch but word from above (in this case, Carson City) is we are close.  I remain ever hopeful Community Paramedic Charlie will be visiting homebound Medicaid patients soon.

Lefa L. Seran residents are keeping busy, in spite of the hot weather and occasional smoky skies. Weekly outings continue (Mr. Beane’s is always a Friday favorite with seniors).  We recently enjoyed an al fresco lunch at Lions Park, where residents took delight in watching children anxiously waiting for the pool to open. The youthful laughter and energy brought back memories among our lunch group of similar moments in their lives.  Different generations bonding over shared experiences, which made it a joyful day for all present.  Another favorite activity later this month: Friday breakfast at the El Cap!

A reminder about Telehealth services: they are available to all outpatients at Mt. Grant Clinic.  Don’t want to make the long drive to Reno or Carson to see a specialist?  Many of those same doctor visits can be performed remotely in our Telehealth Exam Room in Dr. Ventura’s office.  Telehealth Medical Assistant Amanda is here to help you through the process.  Whether Cardiology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Oncology, Pain Management, Pulmonology (and more coming soon), save yourself a trip and see your doctor from the comforts of home (well, almost) at the Clinic.

New and former patients of Dr. Dofeliz are grateful for his return—as well as other providers in the Clinic.  We have been short staffed lately due to summer vacations but no more!  Call for your appointment today.

Hugh Qualls, Administrator